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«  October 2024  »
Block title
Wednesday, 10.23.2024, 4:40 AM

PT. Kraft Food

is the world's second largest global food company headquartered in Northfield llinois. For more than 100 years. Kraft has been dedicated to help people around the world eat and live better. In more than 150 countries, consumers reach for their favorite Kraft brands which mostly are leaders in the markets such as Oreo, Biskuit, TUC, Cadbury and Kraft Cheese. Join Kraft Foods winning team as:

Trade Marketing Executive - Sumatera, West Java, Central Java)
This position will be responsible to support Trade Marketing Manager proximity in the development, tracking and evaluation of sales strategies and programs to meet company objectives, provide analysis and insights in key focus areas of promotional effectiveness. He/She has to provide affective of trade promotion budgets, evaluate effetiveness of promotional plan and recommend promotional strategies to improve effectiveness.
Minimum Bachelor Degree. Has solid sales and brand management; Has wide networking with sholesaler and retailer; Good analytical and conceptual thinking; Good communication and negiotiation skill; Good leadership skill.
Key Account Executive - Jakarta, Medan, Palembang, Surabaya, Makassar
The main role of this position is assistingkey account manager to contribute sales achievement, focusing on range, display pricing and promotions utilizing the agreed operating resources. He/She has to manage distributor sales force to achieve volume goals, manage the proper stock level from day to day in D3 (Distribution, Display, Depth of Stock), represent Kraft Foods in dealing with stores, maintaining good relationship with key Account customer and aggresseively defend againts competitor activity.
Minimum Diploma Degree, minimum 3 years experience in distribution company or sales function; excellent communication and negotiation skill; Good relationships with key Accounts at store level; Good leadership skill.
Area Sales Supervisor - Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Bali, Medan, Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, Palembang, Pekanbaru, North Sulawesi, Jayapura
This position will be responsible to develop distributor's salesman capabilities in selling process and point of buying marchendising and trade promotion execution in order to achieve sales target. He/She will collaborate with distributor for sales forecast and end to end sales operation.
Diploma or Bachelor Degree, min 2 years solid experience as supervisor in FMCG company; Strong understanding of tradisional trade channel; Self-started person; Good communication; Interpersonal and leadership skill.
Please send your update curriculum vitae and recently photograph to:
Not later than April 20, 2012
(Document's size must be less than 3MB).



membutuhkan calon pekerja yang handal, jujur, berintegritas yang biak dan sanggup bekerja keras, untuk menempati posisi sebagai:

Associate Auditor (AA 3/2012)
a. Minimal S1 semua Fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Perguruan Tinggi Swasta.
b. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00).
a. S1: maksimal 25 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke-26 terhitung 1 April 2012).
b. S2: maksimal 28 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke-29 terhitung 1 April 2012).
Belum menikah.
Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya (dibuktikan dengan KTP).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja BRI seluruh Indonesia.

Surat lamaran dilengkapi:
Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Copy KTP yang masih berlaku (semua domisili).
Surat ijazah + transcript nilai yang dilegalisir.
Copy surat keterangan Akreditasi dari Perguruan Tinggi.
Copy surat keterangan pengalaman kerja (bila ada).
Copy akte kelahiran.
Foto berwarna seluruh badan ukuran postcard dan pasphoto berwarna ukuran 4x6 masing-masing sebanyak 1 lembar.

Dokumen lengkap dikirim ke:

Principal Consultant
PO BOX 8877/JKB 11088
Surat lamaran yang diterima setelah tanggal 20 April 2012 tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan tes seleksi berikutnya.


Perusahaan retail multinasional, saat ini memiliki 98 toko di seluruh Indonesia, seiring dengan ekspansi besar-besaran, kami ingin mengajak anda untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

1. Estate Facility Management (EFM) - Kebun Kalimantan Selatan
Min S1 segala jurusan, lebih disukai dari jurusan pertanian.
Mampu menyelenggarakan dan mengelola operasional Training Center, lebih disukai lulusan dari Traning Center Perkebunan.

2. Asisten Kebun (AK) - Kebun Kalimantan Barat
Min S1 Pertanian.
Menguasai teknis agrobisnis, pengolalaan kondisi sosial dan peduli pada ketepatan administrasi laporan kebun.

3. Kepala Tata Usaha (KTU) - Kebun Kalimantan Barat
Min D3/S1 Akuntansi, sosial ekonomi pertanian.
Menguasai pelaporan keuangan, administrasi serta pengelolaan gudang kebun.

4. Finance & Accounting (F&A) - Jakarta dan Pontianak
Min S1 Akuntansi.
Menguasai teknis akuntansi, analisa, kontrol biaya dan audit keuangan.

5. Business Development (BD) - Jakarta
Min S1 Akuntansi/Bisnis/Manajemen.
Mampu membangun strategi bisnis, financial projection, dan project management dalam pembentukan unit bisnis baru.

6. Mill Engineering (MEG) - Jakarta
Min S1 Teknik Mesin/Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat.
Memiliki pengalaman sebagai asisten pabrik, mampu membuat desain, perencanaan, standar pembangunan pabrik kelapa sawit.

7. Auditor (ADT) - Pontianak
Min S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen/Pertanian.
Menguasai prosedur kas Bank, operasional kebun dan pabrik serta BAPP perkebunan sawit.

8. Regulatory & Compliance (RC) - Jakarta
Min S1 Teknik Lingkungan, Kehutanan.
Memiliki pemahaman dan pengalaman mengenai konservasi lingkungan, ISPO, dan penyusunan SOP.

9. Operation Control & Administration (OCA) - Jakarta
Min S1 Pertanian (terbuka untuk Fresh Graduates).
Memiliki kemampuan menangani dan menganalisa data kebun, lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai asisten kebun.

10. Talent Management (TM) - Jakarta
Min S1 segala jurusan, lebih sukai dari jurusan Psikologi/Management SDM/Teknik Industrial peminatan MSDM.
Memiliki kemampuan merancang strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan SDM secara terintegrasi.

11. Programmer (PRO) - Jakarta
Min S1 Teknik Informatika (terbuka untuk fresh graduates).
Menguasai OOP, relation database design, HTML, XML, Javascript, CSS, Java, Application Development Modelling (UML, ERD) dan MYSQOL.

12. Business Analyst (BA) - Jakarta
Min S1 Teknik Informatika.
Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai proses bisnis dan menguasai Application Development Modelling (UML, ERD).

Posisi-posisi diatas mensyaratkan pengelaman bekerja dibidang yang sama minimal 5 tahun (posisi no 12) minimal 3 tahun (posisi no 2,3,4,5), minimal 2 tahun (posisi no 1,4,5,8,10).
Jika anda ingin menjadi bagian dari komitmen pertumbuhan kami, kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi sebagai subject ke email:
Atau ke PO BOX 6659, JKBSI 11066



Perusahaan retail multinasional, saat ini memiliki 98 toko di seluruh Indonesia, seiring dengan ekspansi besar-besaran, kami ingin mengajak anda untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

1. Store Supervisor
You willbe responsible for achievement of sales target, analyzing productivity per brand, m anaging inventory & shrinkage, lead sales associate team & develop their skills.

2. HR & GA Supervisor
You will be responsible for every aspect of human resource management; recruitment, training, personnel adiministration & payroll, industrial relation, employee relation, general affair.
Establish & maintain good relationship with external party such as schools & governmental institution.

3. Visual Merchanidising Supervisor
Ensuring VM presentation in store is attractive for customer and in line with company standard.
Provide training and direction to VM team and associates in order to increase their technical skill & knowledge about fashion trend.

Male/Female, max. 28 years old, minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable Iniversity, GPA > 2.75 (Diploma degree with experience are welcome).
Bachelor degree in any dicipline (1), Law/Psychology/Human Resource Management (2), Architecture/Interior Design/Graphic Design/Visual Communication Design (3).
Experience in the same field work be preferable. Having strong & leadership potential, strong analytical and interpersonal skill.
Not color-blind and willing to work in shift.
Vacancies: big cities all over Indonesia.

Join our recruitment day (Bring your updated CV) which will be held on:

Wednesday, April 18th 2012
at 08.30 WIB (On Time)
Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Ruang Sonokeling 1
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta



merupakan situs berita kota Nasional, Internasional dan Jabodetabek (JAkarta - BOgor-DEpok-TAngerang-BEKasi) pada khususnya. Di update selama 24 jam sehari, dengan berita-berita yang senantiasa up to date, cepat dan terpercaya. Juga tersaji beragam informasi menarik lainnya sesuai dengan dinamika dan kebutuhan masyarakat perkotaan:

Marketing Manager (MC)
S1 jurusan Marketing / Ilmu Komunikasi.
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dibidang Markom.
Memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani kegiatan promosi dan marketing.
Memiliki relasi dan jaringan yang luas.
Memiliki kepribadian dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
Bersdia bekerja dengan deadline.

Online Content Superintendent (OCS)
S1 semua jurusan, lebih disukai jurusan multimedia/ilmu komunikasi.
Memahami tentang content management system, landing page optimization, search engine optimization, keyword research & web analytical.
Pengalaman sebagai editor online min 3 tahun.
Lampirkan portfolio.

Online Business Superintendent (OBS)
S1 Marketing/Multimedia.
Berpengalaman dalam mengelola business online/digital.
Memahami tentang inbound marketing, convension rate optimization, social media & compaign optimization.
Memiliki konsep/strategi marketing bisnis online.

Online Production Superintendent (OPS)
S1 semua jurusan sistem informasi/teknik informatika/design/multimedia.
Memiliki web konsep yang menari.
Meguasai pengembangan web.
Kreatif, inovatif dan update dengan perkembangan web.
Lampirkan portfolio.

Reporter (REP)
S1 semua jurusan.
Berpengalaman sebagai jurnalis min 1 tahun (print/online).
Suka kerja lapangan, jujur & ulet.
Memiliki SIM C.
Bersedia ditempatkan di area Pulau Jawa.
Lampirkan contoh artikel berita karya anda sendiri.

Advertising Account Executive (AE)
S1 semua jurusan.
Pengalaman melakukan aktivasi penjualan.
Disukai yang memahami tentang periklanan media massa.
Berpenampilan menarik & komunikatif.
Memiliki SIM A.

Web Design (WD)
D3, Komunikasi Visual/Design Grafis.
Diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang web design 1 tahun.
Memahami dreamweaver, illustrator, freehand, indesign, macromedia, flash player dan photoshop.
Menguasai XHTML, JQuery dan CSS.
Kreatif, inovatif dan mampi memberikan konsep design baru.
Melampirkan portfolio karya anda.

Cantumkan lamaran dengan nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi, dokumen, foto copy KTP 1 lembar pas poto 3x4, pendukung lengkap, portfolio, cantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar dikiri atas amplop dan kirimkan ke:

HR & GA Department
Gd. Kompas Gramedia Unit 1 Lt.2
Jl. Palmerah Barat 33-37, Jakarta 10270



is subsidiary of KLK Group a multinational company based in malaysia involved in plantation, manufacturing, property development and retailing. Whilst plantation remains KLK's core business, the Group has expanded downstream into resource-based manufacturing. KLK Agriservindo is a consultant management company and registered in Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal:

Accountant/Finance Manager
1. Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh berkaitan dengan keuangan, pajak dan akunting serta hal-hal yang berkaitan.
2. Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Regional Direktur
1. Minimal lulusan S1 Akuntansi.
2. Minimum memiliki pengalamna professional di kantor Akuntan atau perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit selama 5 tahun.
3. Mampu berkomunikasi dan memiliki kemampuan koordinasi yang baik.
4. Fasih dalam berbahasa Inggirs lisan dan tulisan.
5. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
(Local and Expatriate are welcome to apply)
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV anda ke:

Ruko Puri Mutiara Blok C No. 3,5,6,7 Sunter Griya
Jakarta Utara 14350

We are the fastest growing retail company in fashion for apparel, handbag, footwear and watches with international brands in Indonesia. Invite you to meet challenges of continued growth and expansion our business. We seek to appoint a highly motivated person with a strong commercial acumen to join in our handbags and fashion division as:

Senior Sales & Marketing Manager (SSMM)
Taking a senior position role, you are responsible to establish and maintain solid distribution netwroks in Indonesia both modern and wholesale business, to develop sales & marketing strategies and to ensure to execution run smoothly.
Operation Manager (OM)
You will develop and lead a team of professional store assistants and manage/motivate them to achieve the sales target. You should be competitives, sales-driven and result oriented. You are also responsible to ensure that an excellent standard of customer service is maintained at the store.
Minimum a Bachelor Degree preferably from an overseas University.
Having strong leadership and fluent English are the main requirements.
Have at least 5 years of proven excellent track record in sales & marketing of international branded products (SSMM).
Experienced at least 3 (three) years in managing fashion retail operation (OM).

Should you profile suits to our requirements, please submit your application and comprehensive CV along with a recent photgraph and other supporting documents within 10 (ten) days.



Berdiri sejak 1968 di Jakarta dengan produk utama baterai ABC, telah menjadi market leader selama puluhan tahun di Indonesia dan melakukan ekspor untuk lebih dari 70 negara membutuhkan tenaga kerja:

1. Superintendent QA (Kode: QA)
2. R&D (Kode: RD)
3. Superintendent Mechanical Engineer (Kode: ME)
4. Mechanic Mechanical Engineer (Kode: MK)
Pendidikan D3/S1 (Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin).
Berpengalaman QC/Maintenance/R&D min 5 tahun.

Kirim lamaran anda melalui email dan via pos ke alamat:

Jl. Daan Mogot Km.11
Jakarta Barat


Pt. Alfaco

A professional with experience in Coal, Iron ore & nickel mining, have a good personality and excellent interpersonal skill able to work independently as well as part of a team with under minimum supervision, excellent communication in ENglish (speaking and written skill) and willing to assigned in any projects around Indonesia, come and join us to fill in the following positions:

1. Project Manager (PM-A)
2. Mining Engineer(ME-A)
3. Mine Supervisor (MS-A)
S1 Degree in mining engineering.
Execellent planning, analytical and organization skills.
Excellent numerical analysis and spreadsheet modelling skill.
good technical and operational knowledge of the ECS mine planning systems.
Male with minimum 3-5 years experience in relevant position.
Well-versed in computer and accessories.
Experience in Coal, mineral & contractor mining company will be an advantage.
good understanding and relation to local goverment permit/legal works.
Able to work under pressure and target oriented.

If you meet the requirements, please submit your comprehensive resume with recent photograph within two weeks after this advertisement to:




From air-cooled heat exchangers to wind turbines, GE's innovative energy technologies provide real-world solutions to our customers' toughest challenges. Well-known and widely respected across the industry and throughout the world, GE's technologically advanced products and services from our Oil & Gas, Power & Water, and Energy Services businesses add value for customers looking to produce energy efficiently, reliably, cost effectively and with greater awareness of environmental responsibility:

1. Project Engineer
Produce project deliveriables to in a safe manner, to specification and quality requirments, on schedule and within budget.
Responsible for the effective management and delivery of equipment and service as defined by customer's order.
Supporting for negotiation with customers during bid award, variation and project execution phases.
Responsible for leading a cross functional team (planners, engineers, manufacturing, test and assembly and ensuring they are able o meet the obligations of the contract (OTD).
Responsible for managing the execution of key jobs in the region and lead Hand-off for project execution phase (ITO-OTR).

2. Subsea Trees Cell Leader
Lead the cell/assembly/subsea tree lines in extablishing and maintaining productivity, utilation.
Responsible to achieve high level of quality within the product line through effective initiation, continues improvement and efficiency to achieve company goal.
Ensure company processes are followed for quality procedure, EHS and risk management functions.
Work proactively with the management to manage load/capacity balance within and eliminate the production bottlenecks.
Initiate necessary corrective actions as and when required.

3. QA Engineer
Lead the cell/line in establishing and maintaining a high level of quality within the product line through effective initiation of root cause, analysis (RCA), corrective action, statistical process control, quality plans and overall quality initiatives.
Perform workstation and individual contributor audits as required and able to the cell representative for QUAD, registar and customer audits.
Responsible to work with project team to provide technical expertise in the resolution of qualty issues.
Conduct pre-inspection meeting with customer representatives to agree specifications, PO requirement, production schedule, QA Plan, ITP scope and coordinate inspection activites.
Organize & lead quality council & quality management review (QMR). Provide monthly quality system status report to upper management based upon area of responsibility.

4. Planner
Lead to coordinates the handling, processing and compleiton of customer requiremnets form planning to production shceduling which includes expediting and material movements through varous departments as required to meet on time delivery of the customer's order.
Collaborate with workshop/warehouse/QC on loading schedules/material issues/inspections.
Exercise excellent inventory control disciplines to max out inventory turns and active sub contract and ensure cost are updated accurately and timely.
Responsible to revoew quality plans to ensure all activities are in compliance with plan.

5. Scheduler
Responsible to set strategic direction for planning & scheduling activities with the organization.
Expediting material movement, optimize material input from suppliers and minimize early recepits and material shortages.
Collaborate with OTR/Engineering/QA to resolve problems relating to customer requirements, deviation, GRV substitutions, S/O pick list.
To create monitoring progress schedule, follow-up on O status and closely monitor delivery status.

6. Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Engineer demonstrates leadership in communicating business goals, programs and processes for an area or business segment.
Utilize lean manufacturing principles and participate in action workouts to improve process capability, reduce overall cost s and increase capacity.
Drive process improvement/cycle reduction initiatives and drive productivity improvements via process changes or improvements.
Support equipment upgrades from purchase through installation and conduct cost/benefit analysis for changes to processes and/or equipment.

7. Assembly/Fitter
Responsible to assemble/disassemble the equipment and test per drawings, API, MO sand maintain assembly map. records traceabilityin MOs prior to assemble and sign off the MOs accordingly after completion of work refer to standard operation procedure.
Should be able to visualize and work with engineers to make all kinds of fixture arrangements required for testing.
Responsible to inspect and maintain all tools required for the job. Shall be a part of QF Project to improve cycle time & reduce COPQ.

8. Turn Mill Machinist
Responsible to sets up and opp and create CNC Turn Mill machines to cut and shape precision products and jobs as per the manufacturing order and program list.
Ensure the set up and operating, tooling and fixtures is appropriate.
To read and understands engineering drawing & specifications.

General Requirements:
a. Bachelor degree from mechanical engineering with for (1,3,6).
b. Bachelor degree from industrial engineering for (2,4,5).
c. Senior High School for (7,8).
d. Min 5 years handling project management system for (1).
e. Minimum 3 years experiences as subsea assemblyand wellhead production leader for (2).
f. Minimum 7-10 years experiences on quality management system, ISO 9001/14001, project quality and supplier quality is essential for (3).
g. Minimum 3 years experienced as production planning and inventory control. Good knowledgeand able to identify critical paths in the manufacturing processes for (4).
h. Minimum 3 years experiences as expeditor and production workshop scheduler. Creative on the program solutions and strong analytical problem solving skills for (5).
i. Minimum 3 years experiences read assembly drawing, methodology and provide standard process operation. Strong mechanical design ablity to support productivity and quality products for (6).
j. Minimum 2 years experiences read assembly drawing, assembly procedure & experience in assembling critical subsea component for (7).
k. Minimum 3 years experiences operate CNC turning or CNC milling, machine, able to read machining part drawing, able to set up/operating of equipment, tooling and fixtures and familiar with gages measurement, tool for (8).
l. Have a good understandng and working knowledge of subsea trees and wellheads. Experienced on the oil and gas services and API sec 17D will be an advantage for (1,2,3,6).
m. writing skill and verbal communication is a MUST.

If you meet the requirements details above please submit a detail CV including contact number and enclose a non returnable recent photgraph to:

HR Department
Jl. Kerapu Kav. 14 & 15
Batu Ampar - Batam 29432


ShawCor is a global energy services company specializing in products and services for the pipeline and pipe services, and petrochemical and industrial segments of the oil and gas industry and other industrial markets. ShawCor operates through seven wholly owned business units: Bredero Shaw, Flexpipe Systems, Shaw Pipeline Services, Canusa-CPS, Guardian, DSG-Canusa and ShawFlex. Manufacturing, service facilities and sales offices, staffed by more than 5,000 employees, are located in over 20 countries around the world:

1. QA Manager
Assisting QA/QC Manager in maintaining the company's quality assurance fucntion for Batam; determining @ enforcin, trhough fucntional groups. Quality system requirements in accordance with company needs based on customer and standard requirement.
Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Management based.
4 years minimum QA experience in service industry; and 3 years in supervisory role.
Comprehensive knowledge of ISO 9001:2008.
Qualified to lead assessor level of auditing.
Experienced in managing a team quality professionals in a manufacturing/service industry environment.
Experience in practical applications of quality management systems.
Knowledge with instrument maintenance, calibration and controlling system.
Knowledge of root cause analysis techniques.

2. Environment Coordinator
Planning, reviewing, monitoring and enforcing environmental regulations and company standard practices; ensuring compliance to the satutory requirements and company procedures and policies; preparing reports and liaison with the relevant authorities; responsible for delivering environmental training; monitoring current practices/legislation and advice company on environmental issues.
Diploma or Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering or Chemistry.
Minimum 2 years experience in environmental related field.
Experienced in handling hazardous substance material and waste.
Ability to conduct classes, team worker, independent, good communicator.
Certified in ISO 14001 Auditor and Chemical Safety Specialist (Ahli K3 Kimia) would be an advantage.

Applicants are to send their applications and salary expectations:

Jl. Hang Kesturi 1 Kav 3A1,
Kawasan Industri Terpadu Kabil
Batam Island - 29467
no talter than two weeks after this advertisement published.



is part of the Subsea Business Area within the Aker Solution Group, a leading global provider of engineering and construction services technology products and integrated solutions. We are one of the foremost providers of Subsea Systems for oil & gas production, supporting all aspects of Subsea field development. We are a fully integrated company providing a complete range of Surface and Subsea solutions for the oil & gas industry from concept screening and design through manufacturing, fabrication & commissioning and on-going service support. We look for suitable candidates who can fill the positions as below:

1. Project Planner
2. Master Scheduler
1. Minimal Diploma on Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering with 3 years experiences in planning and operation (1,2).
2. Familiar with API (Product Specification 6A, 16A and 17D (1,2).
3. Able to use SAP (1,2).
4. Proficient with Microsoft Project (1,2).
5. Strong experience with scheduling methods and tools (2).
6. Able to read engineering drawings and engineering data sheet (2).
General Requirements:
1. Computer literacy.
2. Good in English both written and oral.
3. Independent and work as a team player.
Interested applicants should submit complete application attached with CV and expected salary to:

Jl. Bukit Girang TT.II
Batu Ampar, Batam Island, Indonesia
atau email:


PT. Bosawa

The cement manufacturing operations in Batam, is now looking for:

Account Staff
Bachelor Degree in Accounting.
Max age 26.
Pleasant personality and good communication skill.
Has min 1 year experience in the same position.
Able to create and verify the budget controls.
Having strong analytical skills and work under pressure.
Able to operate MS Office Suite (Word, excel, power point, outlook).

To apply, please send your application with recent photograph by email to:



As a business, Xenon Technologies is dedicated to progressive innovation, in both design and manufacturing competencies. Solidified with 50 years of track record in providing high quality Xenon flash solutions to a broad base of customers worldwide, we have come to be recognized as a reliable business partner you can trust:

1. Process/NPI Senior Engineer
Job & Responsibilities:
Lead new product introduction (NPI) activity in the business unit.
Responsible for project transfer and new material qualification activities.
Develop core competency in the illumination technology.
Execute business growth activity through NPI (new Product Introduction) together with Production and QA Department.
Execute process capability improvement.
Control process performance metrics such as CpK, SPC, yield and scrap.
Perform defect failure analysis.
Develop process control system in order to have a robust process.
Develop procedure and work instruction.
Execute PQP saving project in order to fulfill the department objective on continues improvement.
Execute productivity improvement/activities together with industrial engineer and production folks.

Posses Degree in Enlectronics/Physics/Mechanical Engineering.
Posses min 3 years experience in similar position.
Lean and six sigma green belt trained/certified are preferred.
Familiar with statistical for manufacturing (FMEA, SPC, CpK, DOE, etc) is preferred.

2. Account Assistant Officer
Job & Responsibilities:
Handling Batam & Singapore invoices and posting to SAP system.
Ensure all invoices to match with DO and PO without discrepancy.
Preparing monthly AP age , reconciliation and payment voucher.
Posting the AP payment and clearing SAP system.

Posses minimum Diploma majoring in Accounting.
Fresh graduate are welcome.
Familiar with SAP is an advantage.
Familiar with withholding tax.

General Requirements:
Ability to communicate both oral & written in English is compulsory.
Posses initiative, discipline, drive person and be a team player.
Self-starter, ethic and highly motivated person.
Enjoy working with people in a diverse and multinational environment.
Posses excellent interpersonal and communication skill, proactive and dynamic personality.

Please send your resume, photograph, expected salary and contact number to:

Human Resource Department
Jl. Beringin Lot.207, 3rd floor, BIP Mukakuning
or email:



We are foreign company in printed circuit board assembly business, currently we are seeking for qualified individuals to join our team as:

1. Associate Production Supervisor
2. Test Engineer
3. Financial Analyst
4. Process Engineer
5. Production Controller
6. Manufacturing Engineering Technician
7. Test Engineer Technician
1. Good communication in English for all vacancies (1-5).
2. Degree (S1) in any discipline (1&5).
3. Degree (S1) in Electro/Electronic for (2&4).
4. Degree (S1) in Accountancy for (3).
5. Diploma (D3) in Mechanical, Electro & Electronic (6).
6. Diploma (D3) in Electro/Electronic (7).
7. Fresh graduate will be considered as well.
Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications, curriculum vitae, contact number (s) to the following address:

Human Resource Department
Lot. 515, Jl. Rambutan BIP - Mukakuning Batam



Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Batam mengundang para profesional yang berdedikasi tinggi dan memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keahliannya secara berkelanjutan sebagai:

1. Perawat (PRWT)
2. Perawat Gigi (PG)
3. Radiografer (RAD)
4. Apoteker (APT)
5. Asisten Apoteker (AA)
6. Juru Resep Farmasi (JR)
7. Klinik Kecantikan (KK)
8. Staff IT
9. Admission (ADM)
10. Maintenance (MT)
11. Maintenance Eektromedis (ME)
12. Driver (DV)
Kualifikasi Umum:
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pasien dan keluarganya.
Memiliki etika serta kepribadian yang baik dan menarik.

Kualifikasi Khusus:
Pendidikan minimal DIII sesuai dengan bidang yang dituju (PRWT, PG, RAD, ME).
Pendidikan profesi apoteker (APT).
Pendidikan DIII Teknik Enformatika, diutamakan yang berpengalaman (IT).
Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat (AA, JR, KK, ADM, MT, DV).
Tinggi badan: LK 160cm / PR 150cm.

Cantumkan kode lamaran pada pojok kiri amplop atau pada subject email. Lamaran paling lambat diterima 2 (dua) minggu setelah iklan ini diterbitkan.
Surat lamaran dikirimkan ke:

Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia
Jl. Gajah Mada Kavling 1 Baloi - Batam
Telp: 0778 431777 ext.8001, Fax: 0778-430777



Wasco Energy is a truly accessible choice and provides the industry with open and innovative perspectives that are driven by our passion for excellence, is looking for below position :

1. Structural Drafter
Minimum 1 year experience in heavy industry.
Advance experience using AutoCad.

2. E&I Drafter
Drawing skill 2D AutoCad is a must (3D is preferable).
Graduate from Electrical majoring.
Experience at least 1 year for same field.
Basic Electrical knowledge.
Willing to learn.

3. Purchasing Assistant
Minimum 1 year experience in Oil and Gas Industry.
Advance experience using computer.

Qualified candidate please send your application latter complete by stating the position you apply for clearly to:

Jl. Brigjen Katamso
Kilometer 5
Tanjung Uncang - Batam
or email to:


ESG-Panatec is a subsidiary of CICOR Technologies, a Swiss group of leading companies in the electronics industry. It is organized into three divisions: Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), Microelectronics (ME) and Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS). The group's companies provide complete outsourcing services and a broad range of technologies for the manufacture of highly complex PCBs, hybrids and electronic modules:

1. Production Superintendent (Code: PS)
Male, Degree holder in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering from Reputable University.
Must have at least 5-10 years working experience in Electronics Manufacturing environment on the same position.
Must have good knowledge of NPPI & Product Analysis.
Must have good knowledge ISO 9011:2008 & ISO 13485-2003.
Able to supervise a group of supervisors & leaders.

2. Manufacturing Engineer (Code: ME)
Male, Degree holder in Electrical/Mechanical/Engineering from Reputable University.
Must have least 5 years working experience in Electronics Manufacturing Environment on the same position.
Must have knowledge of Product Analysis & industrial engineering, AutoCad software.
Must have good knowledge ISO 9011:2008 & ISO 13485-2003.
Able to supervise & motivate a group technicians.

3. Purchasing & Planning Officer (Code: PO)
Male or Female.
Degree Holder.
Must have at least 3-5 years working experience for production, material planning & purchasing functions.
Familiar with MRP or SAP System.

General Requirements:
Able to speak & write in English, computer literate, hardworking, self motivated and able to work in team.
Interested candidates are invited to submit your resume, qualifications, experience and contact telephone number with a recent photograph to:

Jl. Beringin Lot. 338 Batam Industrial Park
Mukakuning - Batam 29433
or Email:



We are expending Oil & Gas Manufacturing and Fabrication Company located in Kabil-Batam Island is looking for suitable and skilled professional to joint the team and seeking for qualified candidates for the respective position as below:

WI & NDT Inspector
Male, max 35 years old.
Diploma in Engineering (mechanical, instrument, electrical) or Seniro High School (SMA/STM) with significant fabrication and construction experience on major project.
Certified Welding Inspector.
Certified NDT-Level II (MT/PT).
Familiar with relevant stndadart, code and practices for inspection (ASME, API).
Familiar with Migas and documentation requirement.
Two (2) years of experience for Diploma III graduates or 5 (five) years of experience for Senor High School (SMA/STM) graduates.
Experience in fabrication and construction of oil and gas for pressure vessel, tank, piping and steel structure.

Female, minimum SMU/SMK/ Administrasi/ Accounting.
Max 25 years old, good looking, attitude and performance.
Preferable have 1-2 years experience as administration or fresh graduate.
Able to speak and write English.
Patient, honest and hard working.
Able to operate Computer (MS Office) espicially MS Excel.

If you meet our qualification, please submit until 28 April 2012:
1. Application Latter
2. CV
3. Copy of Transcript
4. Copy of identity Card
5. Photo 3x4
6. Copy of Certified (if available)

Jl. Hang Kesturi Blok D No.8
Taiwan International Park, Kabil - Batam



We are a multinational speaker parts manufacturing company, located at Batamindo Industrial Park Mukakuning inviting suitable candidates to fill in the following position:

1. Training Supervisor
2. HR/GA Senior Staff Executive
3. Sales Staff
4. Production Supervisor
5. Line Leader
6. QC Supervisor
7. Production Technician
The Requirements are:
Female, age between 22-30 years old (1,2,5).
Female/Male, between 22-30 years old (3,4,6).
Male, age between 22-28 years old (7).
Diploma/Degree holder of any discipline with 2 years same experience in manufacturing, preferred from IKIP (Electrical, Mechanical) (1).
Diploma/Degree of Law, Management, with experience in HR-GA for 3-5 years (2).
Minimum SMU/SMK graduate with 2 years same experience in manufacturing and fluent in Mandarin, Hokkien (3).
Degree from Electrical Engineering, with experience 2 years (4).
SMU graduated from any disciplines, min 1 years experience (5).
Diploma/Degree holder of Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical with 2 years same experience in manufacturing (6).
SMK graduate from Electrical/Machines, min 1 year experience (7).
All applicant must be fluent in English and good in MS Offcice.
Good interpersonal skill and able to work independently.
Having knowledge of QMS 9001 & ISO 14001.
Able to work under pressure & irregular hours.

Interested applicants are invited to send details resume, copy of certificates, telephone number and non returnable recent color photograph, not later than 7 days after this advertisement to:

Lot. Beringin Lot.3 Mukakuning Batam
Phone: 611635



We a Japan Multinational COmpany manufacturing voice coil motors (computer HD parts) based on Batam Island are looking for position:

1. Process Engineering (Code: PEA)
2. Production Control Office (Code: PCO)
3. Engineering Asst. Technician (Code: EAT)
a. Degree (S1)/Diploma, majoring in Industrial/Mechanical/Electronics/Electrical Engineering (No.1 & 2).
b. Vocational High School/SMK, majoring in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering (Mo.3).
c. Posses good analytical to perform line balancing, process failure evaluation & improvement and set up new model (No.1).
d. Able to handle production planning, material schedulling orders & inventory control (no.2).
e. Able to carry out preventive maintenance and repair of production machines (No.3).
f. Have basic knowledge of electrical & pneumatic system, understand of PLC & CAD is preferable, having good analytical and trouble shooting skill (No.3).
g. Having 2 years or more working experience in similar position.
h. Fresh graduates also encouraged to apply (for S1 Degree).
All the candidates must be proficient in English both oral and written, familiar with Quality Management System ISO 9001, EMS 14001 & OHSAS 18001 standards and have a good computer skill. Interested candidates, please send your complete application by 28 April 2012 as latest to:

HR & GA Department
Lot.311, Jl. Beringin BIP Mukakuning, Batam

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